On View
Kay WalkingStick / Hudson River School (9/14/24–2/2/25)
Models of American Sailing Ships (permanently on view)
Exhibitions on view
Permanently installed works of art
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Kay WalkingStick / Hudson River School (through 2/2/25; Level 1, Galleries 102–105), celebrates a shared reverence for nature while engaging crucial questions about land dispossession and its reclamation by Indigenous peoples and nations and exploring the relationship between Indigenous art and American art history, placing landscape paintings by the renowned contemporary Cherokee artist Kay WalkingStick in conversation with highlights from New-York Historical Society’s collection of 19th-century Hudson River School paintings.
3 of 4Kay WalkingStick / Hudson River School (through 2/2/25; Level 1, Galleries 102–105), celebrates a shared reverence for nature while engaging crucial questions about land dispossession and its reclamation by Indigenous peoples and nations and exploring the relationship between Indigenous art and American art history, placing landscape paintings by the renowned contemporary Cherokee artist Kay WalkingStick in conversation with highlights from New-York Historical Society’s collection of 19th-century Hudson River School paintings.
4 of 4The Addison Gallery’s famed model ship collection, permanently installed in the building’s lower level, consisted originally of 24 works commissioned by the museum’s founder, Thomas Cochran, to document four centuries of American history.
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