The 61st New York Regiment in Camp at Ships Point, below Yorktown
Winslow Homer
Ink and crayon on wove paper
Campaign Sketches. The Baggage Train.
Winslow Homer
lithograph on wove paper
Campaign Sketches. Our Jolly Cook.
Winslow Homer
lithograph on wove paper
Campaign Sketches. A Pass Time. Cavalry Rest.
Winslow Homer
lithograph on wove paper
Unhorsed Troopers Retiring from Sheridan's Raid
Winslow Homer
Ink and crayon on wove paper
Picking Cotton
William Aiken Walker
Oil on canvas mounted on board
Picking Cotton
O. Pierre Havens
Two albumen prints mounted on studio card
Antietam Colossal Granite Statue
George W. Butler
two albumen prints mounted on studio card
Camp Life - Army of the Potomac. Taking it Easy.
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
two albumen prints mounted on studio card
Fort Richardson, Defenses of Washington
Mathew B. Brady
albumen print mounted on board
The Union Cavalry and Artillery Starting in Pursuit of the Rebels up the Yorktow
Winslow Homer
wood engraving on wove paper
The War-Making Havelocks for the Volunteers
Winslow Homer
wood engraving on wove paper
Home of a Rebel Sharpshooter, Battle-field of Gettysburg.
Alexander Gardner
albumen print mounted on wove paper
General Lee's headquarters at Gettysburg
two albumen prints mounted on studio card
A Night March.
Edwin Forbes
copper plate etching on paper
A Halt in LIne of Battle.
Edwin Forbes
copper plate etching on paper
Newspapers in Camp.
Edwin Forbes
copper plate etching on paper
The Sanctuary.
Edwin Forbes
copper plate etching on paper
The Army of the Potomac - A Sharp-Shooter on Picket Duty
Winslow Homer
Wood engraving on wove paper
Bird's Eye View of Bull Run Bridge
Andrew J. Russell
Albumen print