6. Alternate Not-straight & Broken Lines
Sol LeWitt
Hard ground etching on paper
7. Alternate Straight, Not-straight & Broken Lines
Sol LeWitt
Hard ground etching on paper
Geometric Figures within Geometric Figures (composite)
Sol LeWitt
Hard ground etching (white on black)
Six Geometric Figures, Superimposed in Pairs (composite)
Sol LeWitt
hard ground etching on paper (white on black)
Wall Drawing #713: On a vaulted ceiling, 20 irregular five-sided figures.
Sol LeWitt
Color ink wash and India ink
Wall Drawing #716
Sol LeWitt
Black wall, pencil grid, and white crayon arcs and lines
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Stars with Color Bands
Sol LeWitt
Eight aquatints on Somerset textured white paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Sol LeWitt
Aquatint on paper
Manhattan with Grid
Sol LeWitt
Ink on gelatin silver print
The Area of Manhattan Between the Places I Have Lived is Removed
Sol LeWitt
Cut gelatin silver print
Sol LeWitt
Oil on canvas
Irregular Grid
Sol LeWitt
Opaque watercolor on paper
Parallel Straight Lines from a Diagonal
Sol LeWitt
ink and pencil on paper
Wall Drawing #324
Sol LeWitt
Colored pencil
Wall Drawing #880: Loopy Doopy (orange and green)
Sol LeWitt
Acrylic paint
Wall Drawing #1062: Drawing Series IV 2 A & B
Sol LeWitt
Black pencil
Triple Pyramids
Sol LeWitt
Gouache on paper