Untitled (July 15, August 19, 23)
Carroll Dunham
casein, acrylic, dry pigment, pencil on Fabriano cold press paper
Carroll Dunham
casein and acrylic dry pigment andgraphite on paper
Untitled (June 20, 23; September 28, October 21)
Carroll Dunham
casein, acrylic, dry pigment, pencil on Fabriano cold press paper
Carroll Dunham
casein, acrylic, dry pigment, pencil on Fabriano cold press paper
Carroll Dunham
casein, acrylic, dry pigment, pencil on Fabriano cold press paper
Three Etchings (#1)
Carroll Dunham
etching, aquatint, and drypoint on paper
Three Etchings (#2)
Carroll Dunham
etching, aquatint, and drypoint on paper
Three Etchings (#3)
Carroll Dunham
etching, aquatint, and drypoint on paper
Carroll Dunham
casein, acrylic, graphite, and charcoal on plywood
Group D, #4
Carroll Dunham
mixed media on linen
Places and Things
Carroll Dunham
portfolio of five linoleum cuts on kozo misumi paper, boxed
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
artist's book of thirteen offset lithographs on Japico ivory paper, with slipcas
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper
Carroll Dunham
offset lithograph on Japico ivory paper