Plate 1
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etchings and aquatint on folded Strathmore 100% rag bristol paper
Plate 2
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Plate 3
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Plate 4
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Plate 5
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Plate 6
Dorothea Rockburne
Relief etching and aquatint on folded paper
Leadbelly's Dance
Larry Bell
Acrylic on canvas (six sided tessera shape)
Walker Evans
Gelatin silver print
Study for "A Game of Chess"
George Tooker
Graphite on paper