Dow Students in Japanese Setting, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
Platinum print
Boat and Clam House, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
platinum print
Pine Tree
Arthur Wesley Dow
Platinum print
Rock and Sandy Outcropping, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
platinum print
Flooded Meadow, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
Platinum print
Dunes and Trees, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
Gum-bichromate print
The Dragon
Arthur Wesley Dow
Gum-bichromate print
Meadow and Marsh, Ipswich
Arthur Wesley Dow
Gum-bichromate print
Waterfall, Japan
Arthur Wesley Dow
Gelatin silver print
Grand Canyon, Great Bluff
Arthur Wesley Dow
toned gelatin silver print
Laguna with Train
Arthur Wesley Dow
gelatin silver print