? 2023.105.13.84
"150 yards, Jon?" "I've got a leg cramp, Hal!" 2023.105.19.66
"Aloha" 2023.105.16.109
"Are You Guys from Harvard?" 2023.105.19.7
"Au Revoir Paris" September 7th 1945, "Arc de Carroussel" 2021.72.634.187
"Battle Formation" 2023.105.16.47
"Benny" 2021.72.634.152
"Brownie" 2023.105.15.96
"Brownie" 2023.105.15.205
"Charley" 2023.105.16.16
"Coach" 2023.105.19.2
"Dad" Hunt 2023.105.16.17
"Damn you, Ulen!" 2023.105.19.62
"Did you see that girl in the sweatshirt?" 2023.105.19.42
"Frenchy," a real pal. 2023.105.16.40
"Georgette" Inspection Branch, November 1945 2021.72.634.38
"Georgette" my dear French friend. 2021.72.634.9
"Get in that Water, Jaffe!" 2023.105.19.19
"Hal, I'm tired!" 2023.105.19.38
"I'll take the Marine Corps!" 2023.105.19.63
"I'm Alone" sunk by C. G. "Dexter." 2023.105.16.12
"In My Day, Son..." 2023.105.19.6
"Like to swim the next race, Jim?" 2023.105.19.27
"Longchamps Race-Track," Entrance, Sunday October 21st 2021.72.634.47
"Longchamps Race-Track," The stands, Sunday October 21st 2021.72.634.50
"Monty" of the old 69th Croi de guerre and D.S.C. 2023.105.10.71
"Must you?" 2023.105.19.22
"O.K., Hal!" 2023.105.19.20
"Old Ironsides" in Gatun Locks, Panama 2023.105.22.83
"Old Tom" 2023.105.15.53
"Ozark" aground at Sandwich, Mass. 2023.105.16.5
"Ozark" aground at Sandwich, Mass. 2023.105.16.6
"Pity" 2023.105.19.14
"Rusha" Parker, Alice Tefft [Jerusha Parker] 2023.105.15.101
"Sad Sack" 2021.72.634.45
"Sam's" Brook in Dracut, Mass. near what is McMannon place 2023.105.13.16
"Scrub" 2023.105.16.66
"Seine" 2021.72.634.46
"Shorty" 2023.105.16.34
"Sorry, Mr. Iecko..." 2023.105.19.11
"Sticking pins" into Solovec 2023.105.10.57
"The Owner" 2021.72.634.13
"Wait a second!" 2023.105.19.45
"What, Hanley Disqualified?" 2023.105.19.13
"Who me?" 2023.105.19.57
(Back page) 2023.
(blank page) (page 36) 1935.29.36
(cover) 1935.29.0.2
(illegible) 2023.105.13.81
(inside back cover) 1935.29.69
(Inside back cover) 2023.
(inside cover) 1935.29.0.1
(title page) 2023.105.19.0
(title page) 2023.
(title page) 2023.
(Who's your friend, Dick?) 2023.105.19.39
[ ]ay & Mary 2021.72.634.174
[A person's leg, sitting atop a scenic overlook] 2021.72.138
[American soldier in front of Eiffel Tower] 2021.72.425
[Assembled studio portraits of men] 2021.72.632a-k
[Attempt at dismembered body on beach trick] 2021.72.623
[Babe Paul Bunyon's blue ox] 2021.72.187
[Baby crying with bottle and TV] 2021.72.244
[Baby girl posed on covered chair] 2021.72.220
[Baby in a bathtub] 2021.72.442
[Baby lying on a rug] 2021.72.57
[Baby lying on stomach] 2021.72.58
[Ballet dancer with drawn on makeup] 2021.72.6
[Bathers on the shore] 2021.72.457
[Bettie Page] 2021.72.309
[Bettie Page] 2021.72.310
[Bettie Page] 2021.72.311
[Bettie Page] 2021.72.312
[Bicyle and horse drawn carriage] 2021.72.90
[Bison statue] 2021.72.188
[Blindfolded man pointing] 2021.72.439
[Boarding TWA plane] 2021.72.89
[Boy and girl in Acroyoga pose] 2021.72.5
[Boy and girl in photobooth] 2021.72.199
[Boy dressed in cowboy costume] 2021.72.494
[Boy holding gun on dirt path in field] 2021.72.169
[Building with overlaid drawing] 2021.72.1
[Burlesque dancer] 2021.72.609
[Burlesque dancer] 2021.72.610
[Burlesque dancer] 2021.72.611
[Burlesque dancer] 2021.72.612
[Butchers with turkeys] 2021.72.166
[Butchers] 2021.72.164
[Camel cigarettes] 2021.72.97
[Child in a corn field] 2021.72.41
[Child in costume] 2021.72.93
[Child in costume] 2021.72.144
[Child in costume] 2021.72.145
[Child on livingroom floor with cat and TV] 2021.72.257
[Child on Santa's lap] 2021.72.200
[Child with Indigenous American statue] 2021.72.186
[Child with inflatable bunny and TV] 2021.72.252
[Child, out of focus, in photobooth] 2021.72.198
[Children in classroom I] 2021.72.204
[Children in classroom II] 2021.72.205
[Children wearing masks] 2021.72.210
[Chorus of women singing on stage] 2021.72.91
[Construction of Mount Rushmore] 2021.72.291
[Contortionist] 2021.72.600
[Cosmetology school students and instructor] 2021.72.584
[Cosmetology school students and instructor] 2021.72.585
[Cosmetology school students] 2021.72.586
[Cosmetology school students] 2021.72.587
[Cosmetology school students] 2021.72.588
[Couple at the beach] 2021.72.45
[Couple dressed up on front steps outside house] 2021.72.235
[Couple in park] 2021.72.297
[Couple posed with clasped hands] 2021.72.301
[Couple posing next to Christmas tree] 2021.72.575
[Couple with arms around each other in park] 2021.72.298
[Couple with men in drag] 2021.72.234
[Crouching woman wearing distinctive sunglasses] 2021.72.524
[Cutout, young girl with drawn on feett] 2021.72.8
[Dam waterfall] 2021.72.110
[Dancers] 2021.72.581
[Decapitated head trick on beach] 2021.72.599
[Diaper assembly line in maternity ward] 2021.72.321
[Double exposure of a woman and vase] 2021.72.548
[Double exposure of house with fenced yard] 2021.72.336
[Double exposure, dancer at a party] 2021.72.269
[Double exposure, family and trees] 2021.72.264
[Double exposure, family in park] 2021.72.354
[Double exposure, man in field] 2021.72.265
[Double exposure, men at office desk] 2021.72.335
[Double exposure, men building] 2021.72.266
[Double exposure, people on ship deck] 2021.72.270
[Double exposure, summer camp] 2021.72.345
[Double exposure, two scenic waterfalls] 2021.72.263
[Double exposure, two women in front of trees] 2021.72.355
[Double exposure, two young boys] 2021.72.334
[Double exposure, woman in dress in yard] 2021.72.351
[Double exposure, woman seated on fountain] 2021.72.274
[Double exposure, woman with dress and pearls] 2021.72.346
[Double exposure, women with young girl] 2021.72.344
[Dover Dam, Ohio] 2021.72.105
[Dressed up couple in yard] 2021.72.294
[Elderly woman seated in wicker chair] 2021.72.466
[Elongated torso trick] 2021.72.607
[Elongated torso trick] 2021.72.617
[Family in the pose of the Hindu goddess Durga] 2021.72.622
[Family posed in front of car] 2021.72.143
[Family posing on front porch] 2021.72.405
[Farming couple posing with squash and pumpkin] 2021.72.302
[Faux contortionist, Plano] 2021.72.603
[Faux contortionist] 2021.72.597
[Faux contortionist] 2021.72.601
[Faux contortionist] 2021.72.602
[Faux contortionist] 2021.72.604
[Faux contortionist] 2021.72.619
[Five people in dresses and bows in hair] 2021.72.39
[Flower girls] 2021.72.206
[Four children on a bed] 2021.72.63
[Four children on a bed] 2021.72.64
[Four children posed outside house] 2021.72.60
[Four children with a cake] 2021.72.66
[Friends gathered by cars] 2021.72.77
[Friends sitting on the beach] 2021.72.148
[Girl doing a backbend] 2021.72.618
[Girl hanging upside down] 2021.72.605
[Girl standing in front of tree] 2021.72.448
[Girl standing in front of tree] 2021.72.452
[Girl swinging on trapeze] 2021.72.615
[Girl with two little boys, dressed up] 2021.72.46
[Group in costume] 2021.72.96
[Group of bathers] 2021.72.440
[Group of men posing affectionately] 2021.72.489
[Group of women dressed as men] 2021.72.638
[Group of young boys with a few adults] 2021.72.56
[Group of young children in colonial garb] 2021.72.416
[Group of young men] 2021.72.368
[Group photograph of identified young men] 2021.72.493
[Hands grasping a white bird] 2021.72.325
[Hands on table with rings] 2021.72.40
[Hidden mother with baby] 2021.72.212
[Hirsute man in swimsuit] 2021.72.370
[Hoover Dam] 2021.72.107
[Hoover Dam] 2021.72.106
[Human hood ornament] 2021.72.614
[Human pyramid in bathing suits] 2021.72.32
[Human pyramid on the beach, November 1962] 2021.72.29
[Identity card photograph of spectacled man] 2021.72.482
[Ind-Ill State Line] 2023.105.20.8
[Ind-Ill State Line] 2023.105.20.9
[John F. Kennedy memorial mass prayer card] 2021.72.313
[Kilted man smoking a pipe next to a lake] 2021.72.491
[Kitchen staff standing outside building] 2021.72.162
[Little boy driving toy car] 2021.72.142
[Little girl on chair in photo studio] 2021.72.218
[Lunar module, Moon landing on television] 2021.72.260
[Man and woman dressed up in yard] 2021.72.299
[Man and woman in acrobatic pose] 2021.72.598
[Man and woman in acrobatic pose] 2021.72.616
[Man and woman walking on city street] 2021.72.78
[Man and woman with folliage behind] 2021.72.449
[Man and young girl on logging truck] 2021.72.160
[Man carving a turkey] 2021.72.542
[Man digging] 2021.72.158
[Man diving into pool] 2021.72.102
[Man dressed as a woman] 2021.72.629
[Man dressed in a woman’s circus costume] 2021.72.637
[Man flexing] 2021.72.641
[Man floating in the water] 2021.72.38
[Man hitchhiking next to broken down car] 2021.72.557
[Man holding gun on dirt path in field] 2021.72.170
[Man holding two children upside down] 2021.72.123
[Man in a wheelbarrow] 2021.72.317
[Man in bathing suit, flexing muscles] 2021.72.129
[Man in boustier posed with car] 2021.72.228
[Man in bowler hat and bowtie, photo-multigraph] 2021.72.341
[Man in hula skirt with friends] 2021.72.225
[Man in suit, photo-multigraph] 2021.72.342
[Man in undershirt shooting a rifle next to car] 2021.72.484
[Man inflating water wings] 2021.72.315
[Man lifting baby] 2021.72.134
[Man lifting child overhead] 2021.72.133
[Man lifting child] 2021.72.128
[Man lifting child] 2021.72.132
[Man lifting child] 2021.72.136
[Man lifting woman, in white bathing suits] 2021.72.124
[Man looking at geyser] 2021.72.192
[Man posed against painted skyline, prison] 2021.72.122
[Man posing, front view] 2021.72.639
[Man posing, rear view] 2021.72.640
[Man posing, side view] 2021.72.627
[Man sawing in woodshop] 2021.72.163
[Man shadowboxing] 2021.72.642
[Man shooting gun off dock at a lake] 2021.72.389
[Man shooting pistol at target] 2021.72.488
[Man standing in front of tent] 2021.72.478
[Man standing outside in sporting clothes] 2021.72.479
[Man wearing dress] 2021.72.236
[Man wearing dress] 2021.72.237
[Man wearing dress] 2021.72.238
[Man wearing womens' skirt and top] 2021.72.239
[Man with baby on lap sitting on outside steps] 2021.72.451
[Man with marksman rifle] 2021.72.172
[Man with two children, lifting one of them] 2021.72.135
[Man with two women on shoulders at the beach] 2021.72.125
[Man writing while seated on sofa] 2021.72.492
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.21
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.22
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.23
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.24
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.25
[Man, Photomatic] 2021.72.26
[Man, woman, and child on an armchair] 2021.72.48
[Marilyn Monroe] 2021.72.20
[Men dressed in women's coats and hats] 2021.72.229
[Men in dresses with women on a stage] 2021.72.233
[Men working in a ship] 2021.72.161
[Mist rising, water and trees] 2021.72.109
[Model battleship on table] 2021.72.549
[Monument Valley butte] 2021.72.282
[Moon] 2021.72.533
[Moon] 2021.72.534
[Moon] 2021.72.535
[Mountain landscape] 2021.72.286
[Mountain Studio] 2023.105.15.1
[Mr. Potato Head] 2021.72.547
[Muscular man in briefs] 2021.72.415
[Navy man kissing a woman in photobooth] 2021.72.227
[Niagara Falls at night] 2021.72.119
[Niagra Falls with ship] 2021.72.180
[Nude woman from back by the ocean] 2021.72.154
[Nude woman in desert with flowers] 2021.72.141
[Nude woman in desert] 2021.72.140
[Nude woman kneeling] 2021.72.151
[Nude woman posed at scenic view] 2021.72.153
[Nude woman sitting on red blanket] 2021.72.149
[Nude woman sitting on red blanket] 2021.72.150
[Nurse] 2021.72.36b
[Nurses in a human pyramid pose] 2021.72.515
[Oil field] 2021.72.411
[Older couple standing near a tree] 2021.72.306
[Older man and his reflection] 2021.72.474
[Optical illusion at the beach] 2021.72.624
[People at geyser] 2021.72.195
[People gathered in underground tunnel] 2021.72.331
[People look at geyser] 2021.72.193
[People looking at geyser with backs to camera] 2021.72.194
[People looking at geyser] 2021.72.197
[Person and car at scenic overlook] 2021.72.290
[Photobooth portrait of a little girl] 2021.72.398
[Photobooth portrait of a smiling man] 2021.72.502
[Photobooth portrait of a smiling woman] 2021.72.520
[Photobooth portrait of a woman] 2021.72.498
[Photobooth portrait of a woman] 2021.72.508
[Photobooth portrait of a woman] 2021.72.510
[Photobooth portrait of a young girl] 2021.72.518
[Photobooth portrait of a young man] 2021.72.501
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.497
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.499
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.506
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.590
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.591
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.592
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.593
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.594
[Photobooth portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.595
[Photobooth portrait of distressed young boy] 2021.72.396
[Photobooth portrait of two boys] 2021.72.496
[Photobooth portrait of two women embracing] 2021.72.521
[Photobooth portrait of two young boys] 2021.72.397
[Photography studio portrait of a woman] 2021.72.589
[Photomatic photobooth portrait of a boy] 2021.72.555
[Photomatic photobooth portrait of two boys] 2021.72.554
[Please Tell Everybody About Grimes Garage] 2023.105.20.44
[Portrait of a woman] 2021.72.441
[Portrait of a young couple in a living room] 2021.72.529
[Portrait of a young girl in photography studio] 2021.72.434
[Red Rocks amphitheatre, Colorado] 2021.72.98
[Richard and Pat Nixon on television] 2021.72.413
[Rollercoaster by the sea] 2021.72.111
[Sailor in Long Beach Jail prop backdrop] 2021.72.428
[Scenic Tunnel Trip under Horeshoe Falls] 2021.72.120
[Seated woman engaged in thought or work] 2021.72.458
[Servicemen in tender pose] 2021.72.409
[Shirtless man adjusting large map] 2021.72.165
[Shoe and surf] 2021.72.528
[Smiling couple in heart shaped photograph] 2021.72.388
[Smiling man in hand sculpture] 2021.72.190
[Smiling man with leg sculpture] 2021.72.191
[Smiling young girl with ribbons in her hair] 2021.72.477
[Soldier seated on outdoor chair with Coca-Cola] 2021.72.379
[Soldier, Photomatic] 2021.72.27
[Soldiers crouched with guns in open landscape] 2021.72.391
[South Beach Florida] 2021.72.118
[Studio portrait of a U.S. Marine] 2021.72.462
[Studio portrait of a young woman] 2021.72.464
[Studio portrait of man in bonnet and bowtie] 2021.72.357
[Studio portrait of man in hat and bowtie] 2021.72.356
[Studio portrait of woman with flowers] 2021.72.444
[The kids' table] 2021.72.418
[The Wonder Spot, roadside attraction WI] 2021.72.181
[Three boys dunking their heads in a river] 2021.72.596
[Three bridesmaids] 2021.72.50
[Three children posed together on indoor bench] 2021.72.219
[Three children with a cake] 2021.72.65
[Three men at the beach] 2021.72.33
[Three men attempting a human pyramid] 2021.72.486
[Three men flexing muscles] 2021.72.130
[Three men sunbathing on grass] 2021.72.372
[Three posed in miner's hats] 2021.72.159
[Three women barefoot in a creek] 2021.72.472
[Three women in front of Christmas tree] 2021.72.51
[Three women in front of Christmas tree] 2021.72.52
[Three women in uniform with dinner] 2021.72.44
[Three women posing with agitated child] 2021.72.431
[Three young girls arranged by height] 2021.72.476
[Three young men posing affectionately] 2021.72.375
[Three young women against painted backdrop] 2021.72.393
[Topless woman with face obscured] 2021.72.410
[Tourists at a memorial] 2021.72.121
[Tourists at scenic overlook] 2021.72.293
[Twins with Marilyn Monroe impersonator] 2021.72.568
[Two bear cubs in parking lot] 2021.72.287
[Two boys in costume; "inflation"] 2021.72.95
[Two boys in costume] 2021.72.94
[Two boys on bicycles with dog] 2021.72.460
[Two boys with hot spring] 2021.72.196
[Two brides, March 11, 1934] 2021.72.42
[Two children with toy gun and doll] 2021.72.174