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"Give back the birth to the mother" a midwife at Madison Ave Clinic, New York City 2020.38
A young woman holding her weeping brother, Newark, New Jersey 2020.36
Bali (woman and man holding bird) 2009.38
Bulgarian teenagers at jukebox in Sofia’s largest department store 2009.39
Bus Stop, USSR (men, women and children seated on bench) 2009.40
Dogs' last swim in Central Park lake, New York 2020.37
El Salvador free housing 2009.32
Hip Shot (children in hats and jackets, view from the hip) 2009.33
Men in sailor costumes leading a giant Superman balloon, New York 2020.39
Mothers waiting for children after school in New York City 2020.40
Newark (children playing with tires, adults sitting on benches) 2009.37
Newark (mother and two children on steps) 2009.35
Newark (obese man sitting at kitchen table) 2009.36
Newark (wet back of shirtless man) 2009.34
Russia (little boy on floor looking at bare tree in box) 2009.41
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Last updated: 01/20/2025
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