Collection F.A.Q.s

Winslow Homer, Eight Bells, 1886, oil on canvas, 25 3/16 x 30 3/16 inches, gift of anonymous donor, 1930.379
Winslow Homer, Eight Bells, 1886
Siah Armajani, CBE, Elements #15,1987-1988
Siah Armajani, CBE, Elements #15, 1987-1988
Cara Romero, Naomi from First American Girl, 2017
Cara Romero, Naomi from First American Girl, 2017

As a non-profit institution, the Addison Gallery is prohibited from providing appraisals. Nor do we provide authentications. If you are looking for a monetary evaluation of an object for insurance or other purposes, contact a professional appraiser in your area. Many auction houses and independent antiques dealers offer appraisal services. Member associations such as those listed below can also refer you to specialists by region:

American Society of Appraisers
P.O. Box 17625
Washington DC 20041

Appraisers Association of America
386 Park Avenue South, Suite 2000
New York NY 10016

International Society of Appraisers

If you are looking for a conservator, please contact one in your local area. Member associations such as that listed below can also refer you to specialists by region:

American Institute for Conservation (AIC) /
Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC)
727 15th St. W Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
202-452-9328 (fax)

Please note that opportunities for acquisition and/or exhibition are limited. If you would like the museum’s curatorial committee to review your work, please prepare the following:

1. 10-20 digital images (or video, if applicable), along with a list containing the following information: title, date, medium, dimensions

2. a résumé and/or bio

3. any accompanying background materials (i.e. artist statement, proposal, press files, etc.)

Files should be sent to Ricardo Mercado Ruiz at rm**********@an*****.edu via a file-sharing service (such as Dropbox or WeTransfer), not as attachments.

Should you be unable to submit your materials electronically, please submit copies of your work to the address below; do not send original artwork, or your only copies of slides or photography, as the Addison cannot assume responsibility for submitted materials.

Addison Gallery of American Art
Phillips Academy
180 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
ATTN: Artist Submissions

Please do not send original artwork, or the only copies of slides or photography, as the Addison cannot assume responsibility for submitted materials.

Reviews by the full committee take place approximately two to three times a year; therefore, it may be several months before you hear back.

For research queries regarding works in the Addison collection or past exhibitions, or to schedule an appointment, please contact Juliann McDonough in our curatorial department at 978-749-4038 or e-mail jm********@an*****.edu.

Images of the Addison Gallery’s permanent collection in the public domain can be downloaded for personal and educational use. No commercial use or alteration is allowed. All information necessary for the proper citation of works in the collection is available in Search the Collection. We encourage users to identify works from our collection according to accepted standards and to provide an image credit to the Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy so that others may find and use our resources.

Images of copyrighted works are displayed here under fair us​e, in accordance to the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts. If you wish to use copyrighted images for any purpose, you must seek permission from the copyright holder.

Reproduction of any image for which Artists Rights Society (ARS) controls the copyright is prohibited without written authorization from ARS, 536 Broadway, 5th Floor (at Spring St.), New York, NY 10012.

To request publication quality images of any work in the collection, please contact Art Resource or Bridgeman Images​.

The Addison Gallery’s Photography Policy >

Addison Artist Council logo

Bartlett H. Hayes Prize Recipients


Reggie Burrows Hodges

Exhibition | Residency | Publication | Acquisition


Tommy Kha

Exhibition | Residency | Publication | Acquisition